Duplo Bible

Share a Bible story using Duplo. (This can, of course, be done with any size Lego. We’re just at the Duplo stage, so that’s what we’ve used.) Firstly, you need to know which story you’re telling (can you guess which one we chose?). It’s particularly helpful to younger children for the story to be one … Read more

The Highway Rat, The Snail and the Whale, Jesus and me

I’ve recently joined a Facebook group called The Five O’Clock Club. It’s a group of Mum’s endeavoring to get up early to spend time with God before their children wake up. For me, it’s more like the 6.20 Club, as my children don’t usually wake before 7. The mornings I’ve managed to get up and … Read more

How can I give my children spiritual play opportunities at home?

A little post in response to Kate Mitchell’s question on Facebook Offering spiritual play opportunities is something a little different from our usual tell a Bible story and do Thanks / Sorry / Please prayers. It involves more trust – trust in the methodology, in our children and, of course, in God! An easy way … Read more

Paper angel prayers

Cut out paper angels and write or draw prayers on them and send the to the person you are praying for. Sometimes when praying for people, we wish we could be there, but actually, someone else is there who is much more useful! God, who is everywhere, is with them, and I believe also commands … Read more

Mini Egg Prayers

This is a lot like sweets prayer but with mini eggs. The concept is simple: 1 For each colour egg, decide on one category of things to thank God for. 2 Take it in turns to take a mini egg and thank God for something in that category before eating your egg. Prayers can be … Read more

Thanks Doodles

August thanks doodle picture prayer

This month I’ve been doodling my thanks to God, each day aiming to draw three little symbols or pictures of things I’m thankful for. I find it helps focus my heart in the morning, making me aware of the good things right now in my life, and connecting me with The Giver of Gifts. I … Read more

The trees are on fire!

It seems this year that Autumn is particularly spectacular. The horse chestnuts seemed to go brown overnight a few weeks ago, but nothing else had happened. Then suddenly, I woke up to find trees which were green yesterday are now a brilliant, bold yellow. Others look like they have been dipped in the Creator’s massive … Read more

Balloon prayers

This is a really simple, fun way to pray in a group. You could do this at home, or as part of a party or even a service! Blow up the balloons and write or draw on each something about God. You could use: words (or pictures) which describe God (e.g. great, strong, kind, loving, … Read more

Pinwheel Prayers

This is a simple activity using pinwheels to think about God’s Spirit being like the wind and to pray using them. This is a great one for under 5s, but everyone might enjoy this very tangible way to pray. What do I need to begin Pinwheel Prayers? To begin, you will need a pinwheel! Perhaps … Read more

Create an Easter Garden

Have you seen some of the amazing Easter Garden ideas around the internet? I love these beautiful gardens, but I also love simplicity. I like it when I can create something from what I have around the house. Use your Easter garden to help visualize the story of Jesus’ burial and his resurrection. A lovely … Read more