I’m sure, like me, you occasionally visit the Baker Ross website. I usually go looking for one thing, and am quickly overwhelmed by the sheer variety of wonderful crafty things!
What I find tricky, is buying craft items which can only be used in one way, so here are seven ways you could use the Baker Ross Nativity Mini Wooden Shapes – a pack of 45 tiny wooden cut outs of the nativity characters, only £2.95 for 45 pieces!
These ideas are designed for families to do at home, but most could be used as an addition to an online event if you delivered the shapes in advance – and they would post very easily as they are super small and light!
- Set the scene up on a piece of colour paper or cloth as an invitation to play (NB they are REALLY small, so not suitable for under 3s). I put these out and my children immediately set up this scene in the picture. There are 45 pieces, so lots to play with.
- Tell the story from the Bible or a re-telling in a book, and invite listeners to move the characters as the story is told.
- Use play dough / clay / Fimo to make little stands to make them stand up. You could also use the clay to create scenery (e.g. houses)
- Attach each shape to a match stick or a cork using a glue gun then use them as stamps, pressing them into ink or paint before creating the print. How many scenes can you make?
- Create a static picture by arranging the pieces then glueing them in place. This could be a nice, simple activity after sharing the story together. You could also use felt-tip pens or paint to add colour to your pictures.
- Attach the pieces in your chosen arrangement on a piece of paper using blu tac (or similar). Dip a sponge or a piece of cloth in paint and carefully sponge paint over the templates. Carefully remove the wood templates to reveal the scene created in the colour of your paper. This would work nicely using deep blue/purple paint on white paper. They would make nice art to keep and decorate the house with each Christmas or use on Christmas cards.
- Pop them in a little tin and put them in your bag to use when you’re out somewhere. They would make a fun nativity Kim’s Game. We often play this while waiting for food in a cafe or while waiting for someone to arrive.
What will you do with yours?