Snowdrop prayers

What fragile things could you pray for? If you can find some snowdrops, take a photo and use it to inspire your prayers. Every year I love it when I see snowdrops appear. I love their fragile beauty, intricate petals and flimsy stems buffeted by Winter winds. I love their tenacity in arriving while snow still threatens. While other … Read more

Two Types of Frosty Prayers

One This is a really simple, seasonal prayer activity to do as a family at home: When you see something looking beautiful because it’s covered in frost, praise God for it: You may well find younger children are good at this as they often have a better connection to awe and wonder. Don’t limit their … Read more

Duplo Prayer

A really simple way to pray without using words is to build a Duplo house and give it a title such as: The House of Peace. Invite people to choose a Duplo person to represent someone they know who needs more peace / they’d like God bless with peace and put them inside the house. … Read more

Wooden spoon Bible stories

wooden spoons with faces drawn on them for a story

Draw faces on wooden spoons and use them to tell Bible stories! We created these together, making a collection of men and women (and some other odd characters!). We tried out using a pyrography pen, but a) it was very VERY hot so I didn’t feel comfortable letting my 8 and 10 year olds use … Read more

Fridge Magnets Thanks

Write things you are thankful for with fridge magnets. You could use the words in a spoken time of prayer, for example before a meal once a week. I find this allows us to pray for things which we might not think are ‘important enough’ in a spoken prayer time, for example, I would thank … Read more

Using loose parts to play Bible stories

I was recently looking at the Benedictus, otherwise known as the words Zechariah says on the birth of his son, John the Baptist in Luke 1:67-79. It’s a powerful passage, although not as well-known as Mary’s song a few verses earlier in the chapter. As I looked at it, I started to see connections with … Read more

Celebrating Baptism Birthdays

This week is my eldest daughter’s baptism birthday. She was baptised at our (then) local Anglican church age 1, with a large congregation of our family and friends. It was a wonderful event, with lots of interactive elements in the service and a bring and share picnic at ours afterwards. She was too young to … Read more

Review: Roots at home

Title: Roots at home Price: free until July 2021, then £3/m Published by: ROOTS | Worship and learning for the whole Church ( Perfect for: families looking a weekly Bible focus with activities in step with the Lectionary Best bit: Good variety of activities, with QR codes to link to online videos Worst bit: the design is a … Read more

Faith at home every day

For me, for faith at home to work, it has to be part of my every day life. We have special things we do at certain points in each week and each year, but the reality of our faith really starts to change our lives when it’s part of what we do each day. I’m … Read more

A simple Sabbath ritual

Would you like a way to mark you Sabbath, to make it different from the other days of the week? In our home, we mark it with a weekly Shabbat meal, a simple ritual we do together as we begin our Friday evening meal (which is always roast chicken!!). You can find out more about … Read more

10 Great Things about Shabbat

We’ve been celebrating Shabbat as a family each Friday for over a decade now. We love it, and couldn’t imagine our week without it. We’ve shared it with lots of different people, and we’ve adapted it as we’ve gone along to keep it accessible and relevant to everyone present. I’ve made a version of our … Read more

Celebrating Shabbat

We’ve been celebrating Shabbat each Friday for 12 years now. We love it, and couldn’t imagine our week without it. If you’ve not come across Shabbat, it’s a traditionally Jewish ritual Friday night meal with prayers and blessings. Our two children, ages 4 and 5 join in with the songs, the actions, and some of … Read more