Conker prayers

Use the contrast between the spikey shell and the smooth conker to reflect on God’s transforming work. Collect conkers still in their spikey shells. Invite everyone to carefully pick one shell up and hold it while thinking of something ‘spikey’ or not nice they would like God to sort out. This could be anything, for … Read more

Review: Any time, any place, any prayer

Title:  Any time, any place, any prayer Author: Laura Wifler  Illustrator: Catalina Echeverri Price: RRP £8.99 available for £7.64 Published by: The Good Book Perfect for: children aged 3 – 10 Best bit: awesome artwork from Catalina Echeverri, as always; my favourite is the Lord’s prayer page. There is also an art and activities book you can … Read more

Ten fun easy ways to do family praise

family worship

There’s nothing quite like family worship, is there? Or is it just a bad word in your home? Many psalms start with the words: A Psalm of David, and the word ‘psalm’ is a translation of the Hebrew word ‘mizmor’, meaning a poem set to notes (ie a song!). It comes from the root word … Read more

Sand sorry

Use sand as a tactile way to explore forgiveness. Think of something which you are sorry for.  Then take it in turns to write or draw that thing in the sand tray (or the beach!). Encourage each person to say sorry to God and ask Him to forgive them. This could be done silently as … Read more

Fruit salad prayer

prayer with fruit

Have fun thanking God with fruit! Choose four different types of fruit and make them in a chunky fruit salad. Easy options are strawberries, raspberries, grapes and blueberries. For a more sticky and use-immediately salad, you could add kiwi, banana, pear, or melon (and make sure you have wipes or a bowl of water handy!). … Read more

Sabbath is a time to re-boot

Each week, on a Friday just as we start our Shabbat  dinner, we take it in turns to wash our hands as a symbol of our hearts being washed clean.  We say words from Psalm 24:3-4:   “Who can go up to the temple on the mountain of the Lord? Who can stand in his … Read more

Review: Prayers around the world

Title: Prayers around the world By: Deborah Lock and Helen Cann Price: £7.99 Published by: Lion Children’s Perfect for: children age 3-10, and adults who love beautiful words and pictures Best bit: lovely small, hardcover book with stunning artwork of scenes from different countries paired with simple, expressive, daily-life prayers Worst bit: At first, I … Read more

Pasta prayers for each other

Use different shaped pasta to pray! Take it in turns to talk about something which makes you afraid. They may be simple things like spiders or more personal things like getting lost or losing someone. Use the pasta to make a little picture of the thing which makes you afraid. When you have made the … Read more

Car prayers

car prayer intercession please prayers

Pray for friends each time you see a car the same make / model /colour as theirs. Encourage them by letting them know when you were praying for them. You could also do this when you see people’s names on a lorry or road sign. It’s just a simple way to make praying for people … Read more

Seed prayers

Do you love watching seeds grow? Why not link this with praying for something to grow? A fun and satisfying seedling to watch is a sunflower. Take a toilet tube and press in the sides of one end to make a little compostable pot. Fill it with compost or soil then place one seed on … Read more

DIY mini prayer book

Make a mini-prayer book from an A4 sheet of paper. It gives you seven small pages to draw or write your prayers. Inside this book it has these words on each page: Today is [space] Thank you God for [space) Please God [space] It is designed to give you a small space to write or … Read more