Inside Out – A film for transition

Last Friday we had a Movie Morning. We stayed in our pjs, set up chairs and cosy blankets in the lounge and ate waffles while we watched Inside Out. It was 10 days until we moved house, and I wanted to watch this film with my children so that we could chat about some of … Read more

Multi-media Bible exploration

What do you think of when you hear the word multimedia? Do you think a video projector? Lights and smoke? Complex editing suites or mixing desks? In art, multimedia means the artist using more than one fom of art in their work, for example using clay in a painting, or music with a sculpture. Wiki … Read more

Learning a Psalm with Collage and Playlists

I love being able to recite verses from the Bible. It means it’s easy for them to be brought to mind when I need them, and easier to meditate and chew over them. As a child, we did a lot of this and I want this to be something I pass on to my children. … Read more

Read the Easter Story challenge

Challenge: Read the whole Easter story by Easter. You have four gospels to choose from, so maybe pick the one you like or one you’re less familiar with. You could choose a different Bible version from that which you usually use. If you’re doing this with very young children, you might want to use a … Read more

New Year with God

New Year isn’t necessarily a particularly family event especially for younger children. My youngest, currently four, has put in a request to stay up late this near year, and watch The Beegees, which is what she considers to be ‘New Year’. (Just to clarify, last year we DID watch a documentary about the Beegees with … Read more

Faith at home in the summer holidays

What word would you choose to describe summer holidays? Wonderful? Relaxing? Memory-making? Long? Stressful? Childcare? Expensive? Exhausting? Whatever the age of our children and our unique blend of work and childcare, summer holidays change our daily lives. Our routines are different, our goals are different, and we face challenges which don’t exist during term time. … Read more

My favourite nativity scenes

My name is Victoria and I’m a nativity scene addict. There. I’ve said it. I just love nativity sets, especially ones which everyone can touch, play with and enjoy. There are some lovely ones about, and although it may seem like quite a bit of money, I’ve found this is one of the best ways to engage … Read more

Bible story with a tent

Set up a tent in the garden and share a Bible story together inside it. Here’s three tent-based Bible stories you could share in your tent: Abraham and Sarah are visited by three angels Genesis 18:1-15Moses and the the tent of Meeting Exodus 33:7-11The siege of Samaria 2 Kings 6:24- 7:20 (ends with a gruesome … Read more

Cushion Prayer (or Silent Prayers)

Teaching Children to Pray This may not immediately seem like an idea for children, but more and more research and experience show how little space we all have in our lives and how some quiet and silence can help us connect with God. This activity is inspired by Rachel Turner’s Parenting for a life of … Read more

Dice Prayer

Take it in turns to throw the dice and say specific thanks prayers. For example, If you roll a 1 – pray for your church. Below is a suggested list. your church your family your village/town/city your nursery/school/work your country your world You could also make up your own code, perhaps using situations you know … Read more