Bible bingo

game explore Bible devotional for families

I’m always excited to work out a new fun way to explore the Bible and this is a good one! Simply choose 9+ words from a passage you want to explore – this game works well if you have six verses in your passage. Add your words to a Bingo board – simply chart in … Read more

Car prayers

car prayer intercession please prayers

Pray for friends each time you see a car the same make / model /colour as theirs. Encourage them by letting them know when you were praying for them. You could also do this when you see people’s names on a lorry or road sign. It’s just a simple way to make praying for people … Read more

Say it, smash it!

easy and fun way to learn a Bible verse

This is a really fun way to learn a Bible verse! Just write the words in the verse on eggs clean, empty egg shells, one word per shell. (We wash ours with soapy water then leave to dry.) Then put them out on a table in a random order and challenge everyone to see if they … Read more

Seed prayers

Do you love watching seeds grow? Why not link this with praying for something to grow? A fun and satisfying seedling to watch is a sunflower. Take a toilet tube and press in the sides of one end to make a little compostable pot. Fill it with compost or soil then place one seed on … Read more

The secret place

I vividly remember the first time I started to understand what it meant to ‘dwell in the secret place’. I was drinking coffee with Sarah her kitchen while her three children played in the room next door. As we were chatting, Starzie, her three year old ran into the room and grabbed my arm, saying, … Read more

The best Easter books for children in 2024

In the run-up to Easter, there are always lots of questions about good Easter books for children, so here’s a list of my favourites. Each book has notes about what I like and what age I’d use them with. I hope it helps you choose the best Easter books for your family, and maybe even … Read more

Exploring the Bible together experiment week #4

We’re four weeks in to our six week experiment with an intergenerational small group on Zoom. (Read how it started here.) Last week, as I read part of the psalm, it had nice repeats in it which I thought lent itself to singing it (obviously, as it’s a psalm!), so we agreed that each family … Read more

DIY mini prayer book

Make a mini-prayer book from an A4 sheet of paper. It gives you seven small pages to draw or write your prayers. Inside this book it has these words on each page: Today is [space] Thank you God for [space) Please God [space] It is designed to give you a small space to write or … Read more

Sabbath starts in the evening

Sabbath starts in the evening. In Jewish tradition, all days start in the evening, because “there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.” (Genesis 1:4) This is marked with a ritual meal where candles are lit, hands are washed, bread and wine shared and blessings spoken before we tuck into our roast chicken. It’s not … Read more

Exploring the Bible Together Experiment Week #3

This week was week 3 of our experiment. Our group: 2 adults, 5 children age 8-12 years old This week I managed to get the tech set up on time, and slightly re-arranged our lounge to give us enough seats to comfortably sit and all be able to see and be seen. This really helped … Read more