Chalk Bible Landscape for Small World Play Story Telling

My children love small world play. When they play with Lego, they make models then use them to create a world and tell a story. They love Play Mobil (although not as much as me!), and any sort of small toy they can tell stories with, so this is an easy way for me to … Read more

Faith at Home Rhythms

rhythm faith family devotions

“I got rhythm, I got music, I got my man. Who could ask for anything more.” Ella Fitzgerald We all love rhythm. It is one of the first things accessible to us. Have you seen a baby moving their body in time with music? This is because before we understand words or can hold a … Read more

Explore the story with old Christmas cards

Have you got some old Christmas cards stashed? Here’s some ideas of ways you can use them to explore the Christmas story together: 1. Sort them Go through your cards and split them into two piles: ones which feature something in the Christmas story and those which don’t. You might need to do a quick … Read more

Research and Celebrate St Nicholas

One thing we’ve found helpful during December is to celebrate Saint Nicholas. There are lots of lovely story books out there about him, and his story is a combination of fact and myth. What I love is that our traditions of gift giving and specifically Father Christmas are linked to him. I really like this … Read more

Angel Wrapping Paper

Make your own wrapping paper, keep it environmentally friendly and use it to pray for and bless the people who will unwrap it! Use an angel-shaped cookie cutter to print paint over a large sheet of paper. You could also make Christmas cards and gift tags in the same way. Chat about what the angels … Read more

Big Christmas Story Challenge

Why not read the whole Christmas story? Could you do it even in one sitting? This is a fun idea which could work as part of your family devotions or personal Bible reading / Quiet time / Time with God or whatever you call it! The Christmas story is written about in both Matthew and … Read more

Thanks Doodles

August thanks doodle picture prayer

This month I’ve been doodling my thanks to God, each day aiming to draw three little symbols or pictures of things I’m thankful for. I find it helps focus my heart in the morning, making me aware of the good things right now in my life, and connecting me with The Giver of Gifts. I … Read more

Food infused faith at home

I love food. I love making things from scratch and experimenting with new recipes. I love how something which nourishes my body can nourish my soul and spirit too, so it should come as no surprise that I love using food in our faith at home rituals. Food is central to so many of our … Read more

Learning a Psalm with Collage and Playlists

I love being able to recite verses from the Bible. It means it’s easy for them to be brought to mind when I need them, and easier to meditate and chew over them. As a child, we did a lot of this and I want this to be something I pass on to my children. … Read more

Passover Treasure Hunt

Each year we indulge in the lovely part of the Passover meal where an adult hides the afikomen, the broken middle matzah (which represents the lamb killed at Passover) and the children have to hunt for it. When they return, they get a prize. To help the dynamics of the hunt, I’ve used colour spot … Read more

Review: The Glorious Impossible

Author: Madeleine L’Engle Illustrator: Frescoes by Giotto Published by: Simon and Schuster Available second-hand from sellers on Amazon and Abebooks “Possible things are easy to believe. The Glorious Impossibles are what bring joy to our hearts, hope to our lives, song to our lips.” Good for: Families with children aged 7—14 and adults who like … Read more