36 of The Best Faith at Home Ideas for Lent and Easter


Lent can be intimidating. What can I do? Where do I start? Some people seem to get it together and use it as a time to grow in their faith. But if you’re more like me, excited by all the lovely ideas, but aware I may not get past day 2 on any of them, do not fear!

This is a collection of ideas for you to browse and choose one — yes, I recommend just one! — thing to try out this Lent / Easter. I also want to encourage you not to beat yourself over the head if you don’t do it every day.

What is Lent again?

Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, the day after Shrove Tuesday (you may know this as Pancake Day) and lasts until Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday, although for some people it lasts until Easter Saturday.  (Get all these dates and a FREE handy Lent planning sheet here.)

Lent is observed to remember the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness. I always thought Lent was only 40 days, but if you count them, there are 46 days! This is because traditionally Lent doesn’t include Sundays. (I’ve made a simple Lent calendar to mark of the days.)

Speaking of tradition, we all know that Lent usually means fasting of some sort, but it is also a time of preparation not unlike Advent, as we reflect and think toward the holy days of Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

How to choose a faith at home activity

When choosing what sort of faith at home activity to do in Lent, or any other season, I always suggest people think about three things:

  1. What your family is like? What type of activities do you enjoy? What things are you passionate about?
  2. What sort of faith are you wanting to grow? What part of your faith is important to you? Knowledge, trust, imagination, or action? What are you pretty good at? What could you grow more in?
  3. What season are you in? Are you exhausted? Do you have mostly younger children who need assistance or older ones who can do things without as much help? Are you in a place where you need to do something easy or challenging?

If appropriate, have a conversation as a family to chat about some of these questions, and together choose the best Lent activity for your unique family and for the season you’re in.

If, on reflection, the desire to “do something” for Lent is more yours than something shared by your family, don’t worry about just doing something yourself. As parents, it’s important that we nurture our own spiritual growth in front of our children. Investing in our own faith, allowing our families to observe what’s important to us and how we grow spiritually is truly powerful.

Lent and Easter Ideas

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